Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I want to take a moment and wish all the humans who helped me on my journey to my forever home a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for not giving up on me.  I am loved, have friends, and am very happy.  I wouldn't be around still without each and every one of you.  I am thankful for my little Christmas Miracle.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello again

Hi everyone!  I have to tell you things have been busy here.
I am living full-time with the gelding herd, my metabolism is finally even and I am not struggling with my weight anymore.
I am even mellower yet.  This photo of my eye was taken while the farrier was doing my feet.  Usually my eye would look a bit worried when the farrier worked on me.  Not that anything bad has happened, but when the farrier has a foot I can't move as fast if I need too-sometimes, for no apparent reason I still feel the need to move.  This time I even fell asleep.  Another had my lead really loose and was even able to snap a few photos.
We have two new members in the gelding herd.  They are newly gelded, Another calls them the Sopranos.
I headed over to great them.  After all I know what it is like to be the new guy.
The oldest of the sopranos was not very interested.  He has never lived in a pasture or with other horses.  All he did was run the fence and scream like a girl.  I did run with him for a bit so he wouldn't feel lonely, but that got boring so I left him alone.
The youngest, and littlest Soprano is a terrorist.  See he is already sticking his tongue out at us.  He spent a lot of time chasing all of us and trying to bite.  He needs to learn some serious manners.
Another says we have a job to do...we need to help both the Sopranos learn to live like good citizens in the herd.  Well I guess I am now a teacher with a mission, this is something new for me-wish me luck.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"