Sunday, August 28, 2011

Q the outlaw....

I have not been bad honest...
Okay maybe a bit bad about wanting all the treats-but so are the rest of the geldings!  The other day I showed up at treat time in a clever disguise.  I figured if I was the masked horse none of the gledings would notice it was me stealing their treats.  That way I would be safe from any retribution.  It was a no go because Another knew who I was right away.
Sorry I haven't been posting more but it is the beginning of the school year.  That means Another is running around like crazy.  She does make sure we all get scritches and treats everyday.  She also took me for a walk with the halter on the other day to help her catch Jack.
I am happy in my home...MY HOME!  I still have to stop every now and then to remind myself that I have my own human and a home.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Did you bring her here to die?

Another is steaming mad!  Luckily it is not at me. I have never seen her mad at a horse, but boy howdy she can get so riled by people.
"Did you bring her here to die?"  A comment made by a RAB about Little Sister....Another plans on keeping all her horses until they cross the rainbow bridge, or she does. So this question was just totally stupid.
Another believes that seeing a horse out well is just as important, if not more so, than bringing them along.  It is easy to love any being when they are young, athletic, and healthy.  She also finds it easy to love them when they are winding down, a time when they need that love the most.
Another believes that it is important to thank her horses for all they have given her.  She thinks that making sure we are well taken care of our ENTIRE life is one small way to do that.  She brought Little Sister her to thank her for a life well lived, for the gift she gave to Another in Friend, to repay Friend in some way for the blessing he was to her life.
So in answer to the RAB and his stupid question...yes she was brought her to die-we all were really including the RAB.  Little Sister is an appy, Another is hoping she is like Freedom and has 20 more years to enjoy being retired and spoiled.  Another is hoping we all out live her.
I hope the RAB learns to value life and to appreciate other beings just because the exist, otherwise he is going to continue to be a lonely and bitter person.
I know that Another keeps her word.  She told me when I came here, just as a foster horse, that I could stay as long as I wanted and pick my next person.  I am staying forever and picked Another to be my next person and she is honoring my choice.  Maybe she needs a name change too, hmmmm.  I wonder what would be a good name for her?
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, August 12, 2011

I am home!

Finally I am home!  I have been working on Another to make her realize that I have no intention of leaving her.  She can be a bit slow at times (that is why Boogie calls her DOR-Dope on a Rope).  After getting help from other humans to help her realize how much I love her, how much I have to teach her, and how much she loves me the deal was done.
Another is now my human...I have a home!
Now I know that I am loved and wanted, that I am needed, that she sees in me what I can be. Together we will become better than we are on our own.  Who knows, I could be the horse she rides with Buck next year!
Thank you to Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue for all you did for me.  I know there were people who thought I should be given up on and let go...thank you so much for not giving up, I now have a happy life that would never have happened without you!
HOME!  Sounds nice...
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cookie Monsters

Here I am with some of my new friends.  Boogie, the appy, is a cookie monster.  He always knows when Another has treats.  I am sticking close to him so I don't miss out on any goodies.
I am liking this herd stuff!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, August 8, 2011

Out to pasture

Another and her husband moved me to a big pasture with six other geldings yesterday.
I had to walk through a hay field and tried really hard, well sort of, not to be distracted by all the food. 
This photo is of me with three of the geldings.  These three all hang out together.  They are a Thoroughbred, Arabian, and a Selle Francais.
The other three horses are a Paint, Arabian/Quarter horse, and and Appaloosa who has claimed me for his best friend.
I had a great time running around like a crazy horse showing off my athleticism.  I am going to like my new pasture and friends.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, August 7, 2011


If I play my cards right, and Another isn't looking, I can mooch cookies from Mushboy.  Actually I am pretty sure Another knows about the cookie mooching and just overlooks it.
Today I am going to move into a herd, six other geldings on the hillside pasture.  I am looking forward to having friends to play with. 
Another says I need company, that as much as I seem to be happy, horses are not supposed to live alone-unless they are Sir Darby, he hates sharing a pasture.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Manners, manners, manners

Another keeps telling me I have to practice my table manners.  No crowding when she has the treat tub, no trying to sneak bites before she gives it to me, and NO pinny ears allowed.
I work very hard on my manners when I get my treats.  I am still not too happy about her wanting to pet and fuss with me while I eat my treats.  In fact I have a tendancy to be food protective.  Another insists that I can not be that way, she says that is bad manners and won't help me in my future.  So now I am having to work on no stinky faces, tail swishing, pinny ears, or foot stomping while she fusses with me while I eat treats.
I am doing excellent with my weight.  My coat is bright and I am starting to develop some dapples.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"