Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some days my heart breaks...

This is me, Another, posting today.
See that face?  I love everything about the Mighty Q!  He is gentle, loving, playful, tries so hard, and is a grand horse.  He also has fear, sometimes lacks trust, and surprisingly enough has little confidence in himself. 
I have not one bad word to say about him since he has come to live with me.  He is the horse that humans made him and he wants to be the horse I ask him to be.  But some days my heart just breaks for him.
When I take Jack out of the pasture and Q begs me to take him too!  When he sees us load up for a trail ride and he whinnies to go along.  When he watches the horses in the arena and makes it so clear he wants to join in, but just doesn't know heart breaks and sometimes I cry for him.
I know that soon he will be doing all the things he wants to do. Now he reminds me of the little child on the playground being left out of the games-he reminds me of myself and maybe that is why we are together.
I don't know why, because it makes absolutely no sense to me, I love the heck out of this horse.  Maybe it is because with him I get to love the child I was and help make things better.  Who knows?
One day the Mighty Q and I will be riding a clinics, working cows, and going down trails.  He will do all the things that he wants to do-it is a promise I make to him (and to the little girl I once was)
I love you Q, thanks for choosing me.

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