Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Q & A so far

Q and A up to this point:
Quincy has photosensitivity that I am treating with Wound Balm.  Each time I go to doctor his nose Quincy gives me the "Really Another can't you leave my nose alone it hurts?"  Bless his heart he really tries to be good about the whole affair, but he really is fussy about having the area around his mouth bothered.  I am going to address the underlying cause of this by a liver cleanse.  Quincy has been good about taking his Source supplement to address his thyroid condition.
I have also been doctoring his rub burns on his rear while he is unhaltered.  Quincy is a trooper about this.  He never walks off, he doesn't kick at me even though it hurts.  He will swish his tail and just stand in place turning a circle with his rear.
What I have found to this point is a horse who loves people and wants to be loved.  He is sceptical and it will take a person time to earn his confidence.  Once Quincy decides you are worthy of his confidence he will give anything you ask of him.  He has been good about the new people he has encountered here and has shown no aggression or naughty behaviors.
His attention can be easily drawn away from the person with him, especially if the activity is boring or something interesting catches his attention-it then takes a bit of effort to draw him back to you.  He reminds me of the dog from the movie "Up"...squirrel!
Quincy needs to continue to learn to work on a loose lead with a light hand.  His size and energy has worked against him in the past in this area.
I still have so much to learn about Quincy.  He is expressive, sensitive, energetic, loving. and willing to communicate.  He loves being talked to when I am with him.  He seems to enjoy being told what I am doing and why, it appears to give him comfort.  He also loves music.  He is a wonderful way to end my work day.

"It's the little things that make a big difference"


  1. What music does Quincy like? He sounds like a really good boy!

  2. He likes it when I hum to him. I usually am humming a native american horse lullaby, but sometimes I hum Enya, Rascal Flatts, Cocco Montoya, or some blues. I think he just ejoys the feel of music in his ears.
