Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Another tells me that I need to mellow a bit before Saturday.  On Saturday Smoke is coming along with a person named Paul.  I am not sure what the big deal about Smoke is all about.  I have seen smoke before, in fact a whole list of different types: fire, cigarette, contrails in the sky, steam, and the invisible smoke that emanates from humans when I upset them.  So what if he is a big horse, so am I...maybe I will show him just how big I am.
Another tells me that this smoke is special and will help me learn to be a better horse around humans.  Okay, another thing to be sceptical about.
Tonight I got in a bit of a pickle for crowding Another's space.  She only wants me in her bubble, which is three feet, if she invites me.  If I go in and am not invited she makes me back up and do so in a hurry.  I also thinks she reads my mind.  Several times she has told me "Q you are having evil thoughts, think something else right now." and she makes me move.  Boy I am not getting any points in the "make them move their feet" game.  I think I am about 50 million points behind.  Maybe the next time I am at the pondering post I will ponder how to get some points.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

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