Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tonight my treats were late.... Another was at meetings and couldn't bring them out to me.  Her husband and Mushboy were in charge of my treats.  Mushboy was in drivers ed until 6:00, so that was why my treats were late. But just like Another promised there will always be a treat bowl.
Her husband, the horses call him the SCC (support crew chief) remembered to put my treats in the black tub for me.  He also gave me scritches.  He complemented me on my manners.  I did not mug him at the gate, walked with him to my tub, when I got excited I backed out of his space when he signaled me to, and best of all I waited patiently while he dumped my treats into my black tub.  Another was very pleased with his report on my behavior.
I am turning into a true gentleman.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Q Boy. This is the time of the year for lots of meetings. Red, Autumn, and Lyra are wondering where I am. At meetings. I wish humans met like horses do, standing together, giving each other scritches, and matching good friends while grazing. I'm happy you get your treat tub every night.
