I had to wear a saddle last night! I was not happy about it at all, Another was not sympathetic in the least. So I tried to nip while getting saddled, that got me a big scare when she roared at me like a bear and made me move. I stood pretty well after that to get cinched. Another asked the SCC to hold my halter so I couldn't try to nip or move. If I moved a step he put some pressure on the halter knot on the side I moved and scooted me right back. I ended up getting cinched up and wearing an English saddle. Another told me not to complain because it wasn't her big western saddle.
I did complain when she lunged me, I shook my head and gave her the stinky face...she didn't care. I threw a fit, she just smiled and told me to grow up that I am not a baby.
I noticed she had the short rope, I like it when humans have the short rope because the "Lunge" never fails. So I was going to Lunge and show Another who really was boss! I swear she is a witch, before each time I was getting ready to take off she pulled my head around. Now how am I supposed to brace and run if my head is turned into the center of the circle? Well something else to ponder at the pondering pole...
Another scored another 40 million points yesterday. I am falling way behind. Of course maybe it isn't so bad loosing because at the end of this session I was paid off by this...super duper SCC scritches!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"
Ha Ha Ha Ha - oh Q-Tip. I see you turning your head out so you can pull your nonsense and EVERY time Another gets you back before you can even bunch up to Lunge! LOL, and you are SO ticked off that she has your number you do your shaky head "Humph". Best of all, while you are "humphing" you KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU ARE ASKED!!!!