Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I want to take a moment and wish all the humans who helped me on my journey to my forever home a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for not giving up on me.  I am loved, have friends, and am very happy.  I wouldn't be around still without each and every one of you.  I am thankful for my little Christmas Miracle.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello again

Hi everyone!  I have to tell you things have been busy here.
I am living full-time with the gelding herd, my metabolism is finally even and I am not struggling with my weight anymore.
I am even mellower yet.  This photo of my eye was taken while the farrier was doing my feet.  Usually my eye would look a bit worried when the farrier worked on me.  Not that anything bad has happened, but when the farrier has a foot I can't move as fast if I need too-sometimes, for no apparent reason I still feel the need to move.  This time I even fell asleep.  Another had my lead really loose and was even able to snap a few photos.
We have two new members in the gelding herd.  They are newly gelded, Another calls them the Sopranos.
I headed over to great them.  After all I know what it is like to be the new guy.
The oldest of the sopranos was not very interested.  He has never lived in a pasture or with other horses.  All he did was run the fence and scream like a girl.  I did run with him for a bit so he wouldn't feel lonely, but that got boring so I left him alone.
The youngest, and littlest Soprano is a terrorist.  See he is already sticking his tongue out at us.  He spent a lot of time chasing all of us and trying to bite.  He needs to learn some serious manners.
Another says we have a job to do...we need to help both the Sopranos learn to live like good citizens in the herd.  Well I guess I am now a teacher with a mission, this is something new for me-wish me luck.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Green eyed monter!

I am usually pretty understanding of things.  I try hard to be nice, cooperative, and to share...really I do.  But this past month has just pushed my limits.  Another has been too busy with her spotted horse, I have not gotten enough time!  Then to top it off there are cows in my pasture who think I should share my hay with them, a couple of charges and swift kicks changed their minds.
Another takes her spotted horse to clinics and out on trail rides.  Then he comes back to the pasture and brags about how he is all that and a bag of chips...makes me upset.  I made it very clear to Another that I am not happy with the situation.  She comes out to see me, I turn my butt to her and walk off.  I know that makes her feel really bad.  I am not sure, other than making her feel bad, I am getting the results I want.  I want her to try to win my affections back.  She just stops, waits, tells me when I am ready she will be there for me and then she leaves the pasture.  I am thinking I may have to cave and let her know I see her waiting for me and I really want to go with her and play.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sshhhh, I have a secret

Another and I have a big secret.  I have been keeping it for a bit now, but it is so hard!
She saddled me with the big saddle again one day and was working with me.  I was super good, in fact the best ever!  When she stepped up on the cement pad that goes into the barn I lined myself right up so she could get on.  I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and kept nosing my stirrup.  She told me to wait a minute and went into the barn to get her helmet.  I didn't move an inch, I wanted her to know I was serious.  She came back out with her helmet on and put her foot in the stirrup like she was going to get on.  I didn't move...I was relaxed and licking my lips. I kept waiting for her to swing her leg over, but she just kept laying over the saddle and banging the off-side stirrup and rubbing all over me.  She stepped back on the pad and told me how good I was.  I nudged her with my nose, I really wanted her to get on.  She put her foot in the stirrup, took a calming breath, threw her leg over and sat down.  I stood very still, I was afraid I might worry her if I moved.  We stood there for a bit and then she got off.  She was so pleased with me.
She says as soon as I am consistent at yielding when asked we can go for a short ride. But for now I have taken a big step forward!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The big saddle

Today I wore the big saddle for the first time.  I was a good boy!  I went to the small pen with no problem, got brushed and fussed over.  I did some liberty work and the Another put the saddle on me.  She turned me loose so I could sort out carrying it on my own.  It took me a bit to figure out I could walk with it.  I learned to line up to a mounting step.  Another even put her foot in the stirrup like she was going to get on. 
I even got to play with the big soccer ball.  I love playing with the ball.
I also got checked out to see if I needed any body work or nutritional changes.  I will be getting a change in my supplements for a few weeks.  I like the there are people here who ask me questions and listen to me.
I led nicely back to my pasture, which was 1/2 a block away from the small pen.  No bolting...
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Given enough time.

This is Freedom's Lady.  While she is Another's horse, she does not live at the ranch.  She lives at a very special place that allows her the ability to be a "free domesticated mustang".
Free is a special horse that faced being euthanized.  After three years with Another and the Rope Man she is now loving life in captivity.  She also lives in a place where she can take long walk-abouts and come back after a few days.  She always chooses to come back even though she could return to the wild if she wanted to do so.  Free loves her life with humans because the ones she is with honor her nature and allow her to be herself while training her.  The Rope Man and Another know that some horses take years not months-they give them time.
This weekend Free went to the ocean for the first time and played in the surf.  Another promised me that I will get to do that when I am ready.  I think I will like the beach, I think that storming the waves would be fun. I am glad I have all the time I want to get ready to be there-after all when you don't like getting wet it can be hard to run in the surf.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Speical ME TIME

Another said yesterday in her post that she feels bad when I get left out, well so do I.  She does however try to set special time aside for me, but with me being unsure away from my friends it is hard to get me on my own. 
The horse guardian set a small "square pen", rather than a round pen, right up outside my pasture.  Now I can get alone time with Another.  Tonight she came out and haltered me up, help me get past the big 'Bully Boyz", making them move out of MY way for a change, and out the gate.  Jack tried to go too, but Another told him it wasn't his turn-he pouted.
I got groomed, lunged, flagged, and then showed off my liberty skills.  Another got out the biggest ball I have ever seen!  At first I was worried about it, but then Another started playing with it.  I started to join in some and we had a good time.
Another put me back in the pasture and thanked me for coming out to play with her.  She says we will do more of this.  I now I will like that, after all I picked Another and it is my responsibility to play with her.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some days my heart breaks...

This is me, Another, posting today.
See that face?  I love everything about the Mighty Q!  He is gentle, loving, playful, tries so hard, and is a grand horse.  He also has fear, sometimes lacks trust, and surprisingly enough has little confidence in himself. 
I have not one bad word to say about him since he has come to live with me.  He is the horse that humans made him and he wants to be the horse I ask him to be.  But some days my heart just breaks for him.
When I take Jack out of the pasture and Q begs me to take him too!  When he sees us load up for a trail ride and he whinnies to go along.  When he watches the horses in the arena and makes it so clear he wants to join in, but just doesn't know heart breaks and sometimes I cry for him.
I know that soon he will be doing all the things he wants to do. Now he reminds me of the little child on the playground being left out of the games-he reminds me of myself and maybe that is why we are together.
I don't know why, because it makes absolutely no sense to me, I love the heck out of this horse.  Maybe it is because with him I get to love the child I was and help make things better.  Who knows?
One day the Mighty Q and I will be riding a clinics, working cows, and going down trails.  He will do all the things that he wants to do-it is a promise I make to him (and to the little girl I once was)
I love you Q, thanks for choosing me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today I went for a walk.  Now walking itself isn't a big deal, after all I have been doing it since I was a day old.  Learning to stay at Another's side is getting better all the time.  Today was something totally new, well something old with a twist.  I know how to walk with other horses, how to keep my space or get a well placed nip or kick, I even know where my place in line is now.  I have never been led with another horse at the same time with us both being haltered.  That takes skills-not getting tangled up, not squeezing the human or stepping on toes.  Well today I did that and was stellar.  Who knew I had such crazy mad leading skills?  Notice I even kept my cool when another horse tried to bother us.
Another was very pleased with me, especially since I did not get a warm up first.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Here I am taking Another for a nice slow walk today.  She hasn't learned to walk as fast as I would like her to, in fact I think she should run by my side.  She says she is too old for such shenanigans, so today I went as slow as I possibly could.  Another said I was very good.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Q the outlaw....

I have not been bad honest...
Okay maybe a bit bad about wanting all the treats-but so are the rest of the geldings!  The other day I showed up at treat time in a clever disguise.  I figured if I was the masked horse none of the gledings would notice it was me stealing their treats.  That way I would be safe from any retribution.  It was a no go because Another knew who I was right away.
Sorry I haven't been posting more but it is the beginning of the school year.  That means Another is running around like crazy.  She does make sure we all get scritches and treats everyday.  She also took me for a walk with the halter on the other day to help her catch Jack.
I am happy in my home...MY HOME!  I still have to stop every now and then to remind myself that I have my own human and a home.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Did you bring her here to die?

Another is steaming mad!  Luckily it is not at me. I have never seen her mad at a horse, but boy howdy she can get so riled by people.
"Did you bring her here to die?"  A comment made by a RAB about Little Sister....Another plans on keeping all her horses until they cross the rainbow bridge, or she does. So this question was just totally stupid.
Another believes that seeing a horse out well is just as important, if not more so, than bringing them along.  It is easy to love any being when they are young, athletic, and healthy.  She also finds it easy to love them when they are winding down, a time when they need that love the most.
Another believes that it is important to thank her horses for all they have given her.  She thinks that making sure we are well taken care of our ENTIRE life is one small way to do that.  She brought Little Sister her to thank her for a life well lived, for the gift she gave to Another in Friend, to repay Friend in some way for the blessing he was to her life.
So in answer to the RAB and his stupid question...yes she was brought her to die-we all were really including the RAB.  Little Sister is an appy, Another is hoping she is like Freedom and has 20 more years to enjoy being retired and spoiled.  Another is hoping we all out live her.
I hope the RAB learns to value life and to appreciate other beings just because the exist, otherwise he is going to continue to be a lonely and bitter person.
I know that Another keeps her word.  She told me when I came here, just as a foster horse, that I could stay as long as I wanted and pick my next person.  I am staying forever and picked Another to be my next person and she is honoring my choice.  Maybe she needs a name change too, hmmmm.  I wonder what would be a good name for her?
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, August 12, 2011

I am home!

Finally I am home!  I have been working on Another to make her realize that I have no intention of leaving her.  She can be a bit slow at times (that is why Boogie calls her DOR-Dope on a Rope).  After getting help from other humans to help her realize how much I love her, how much I have to teach her, and how much she loves me the deal was done.
Another is now my human...I have a home!
Now I know that I am loved and wanted, that I am needed, that she sees in me what I can be. Together we will become better than we are on our own.  Who knows, I could be the horse she rides with Buck next year!
Thank you to Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue for all you did for me.  I know there were people who thought I should be given up on and let go...thank you so much for not giving up, I now have a happy life that would never have happened without you!
HOME!  Sounds nice...
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cookie Monsters

Here I am with some of my new friends.  Boogie, the appy, is a cookie monster.  He always knows when Another has treats.  I am sticking close to him so I don't miss out on any goodies.
I am liking this herd stuff!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, August 8, 2011

Out to pasture

Another and her husband moved me to a big pasture with six other geldings yesterday.
I had to walk through a hay field and tried really hard, well sort of, not to be distracted by all the food. 
This photo is of me with three of the geldings.  These three all hang out together.  They are a Thoroughbred, Arabian, and a Selle Francais.
The other three horses are a Paint, Arabian/Quarter horse, and and Appaloosa who has claimed me for his best friend.
I had a great time running around like a crazy horse showing off my athleticism.  I am going to like my new pasture and friends.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, August 7, 2011


If I play my cards right, and Another isn't looking, I can mooch cookies from Mushboy.  Actually I am pretty sure Another knows about the cookie mooching and just overlooks it.
Today I am going to move into a herd, six other geldings on the hillside pasture.  I am looking forward to having friends to play with. 
Another says I need company, that as much as I seem to be happy, horses are not supposed to live alone-unless they are Sir Darby, he hates sharing a pasture.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Manners, manners, manners

Another keeps telling me I have to practice my table manners.  No crowding when she has the treat tub, no trying to sneak bites before she gives it to me, and NO pinny ears allowed.
I work very hard on my manners when I get my treats.  I am still not too happy about her wanting to pet and fuss with me while I eat my treats.  In fact I have a tendancy to be food protective.  Another insists that I can not be that way, she says that is bad manners and won't help me in my future.  So now I am having to work on no stinky faces, tail swishing, pinny ears, or foot stomping while she fusses with me while I eat treats.
I am doing excellent with my weight.  My coat is bright and I am starting to develop some dapples.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Game

Another has been playing a weird game with me lately.  She puts my halter on me, puts the lead rope over my neck, and then we walk together.  She isn't using the rope to tell me where to go, she is using her motions.  When she stops she takes the rope and rubs me all over with it.  Then she tosses it over my neck and we walk some more.  The problem with this game is it has taken all the fun out of my "squirrel" act.  What is the point if the is no rope to tear out of her hand or she just goes with me when I take off.
We have had several nice relaxing walks.  I have had my head down, not been wound tight like a spring, and I love the scritches that come with walking nicely by her.  Maybe Washington isn't so bad after all.  Although she can quit calling me Turtle any time now!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Great success

Another spent yesterday at RCER's Horse Daze.  It is one of the main fundraising events for the horse rescue that she is a board member of.
Two years ago this group help save a little horse that had been abandoned and running in the Yakima River Canyon for several months.  This mare wanted nothing to do with humans, she was abused, afraid, and defensive.  This group surrounded her with all the support she needed.  Her name is Freedom's Lady and Another adopted her after she had spent time with her for rehab, Another wanted to make sure she would aways be safe. 
This is Free's first public appearance and she did a great job!  Another is so proud of the horse she has become and the bright future she has ahead of her.  Freedom's Lady now has her own special lady and is training to be an endurance horse.
Another has me surrounded with the same supports that she put in place for Freedom's Lady.  Another promises me that one day I will be making a public appearance to show what a special horse I am too.  She has promised me I will always be safe, that she will make sure of that...I guess that makes me something like her horse.  I still want my own person and am working on that.
Another says I have a bright future ahead of me too!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hope to see you there

Back home

Another is home from her adventure on the mountain.  She had a good time wrangling riders and doing lots of riding.
Another thinks I would like being in a place like that...I am not so sure about that.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Off on an adventure

Another is off to Sun Mountain Riding Stables for a few days.  She is going to play wangler and help lead trail rides.  I will miss her, but I know she will always return home to me.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, July 8, 2011

Public Service Announcement!

"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So Another has taken to calling me turtle.....  I am telling you Red she is one strange human.  Can you imagine how silly she would look riding a turtle?  She seems to think if I am called turtle I might slow down some, take time to think, become wise.  Well I am quick, can make a decision faster than you can blink an eye, and I am often too smart for my own good.
Of course if I was a turtle I could do tricks like this. Another could not complain, after all she is the one who wants me to act like a turtle.

Of course my pasture would be belly deep if I was a turtle.  The cookies Another gives to me would be a whole day's meal.  Hmmm, maybe this turtle business wouldn't be so bad.  I guess maybe I should slow down and think on this a bit-hey I am acting like a turtle.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

It is true I will wear silly outfits for treats.  Actually I like playing games with Another, she gets so tickled with me.  I can make her smile, laugh, and that makes me feel good.
I don't even mind when the banner waves while it hangs on me.  I hope the banner of this country waves for a long, long time.
Best part about playing dress-up is the super dooper scritches that I get.
I am happy, staying a good weight, and being the best boy I can be.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, July 3, 2011

New friends!

I have two new friends!  Smoke and Paul, they are very nice, but expect a lot from me.  Smoke came and ponied around my pasture while Paul sat on him.  I tried some shenanigans but Smoke pinned his ears, stomped his foot and that was the end of them.  I walked and trotted with Smoke, he even had me doing turns. Smoke then decided he would see how I would behave in the alley since that is a big problem spot for me.

Not only was I good in the alley, I was brave and looking good.  Smoke then said "Kiddo we are going out the gate and around to the arena."  I just followed right along like the good horse that Another says I am. We got in the arena and I had a squirrel moment and ran a bit silly.  Smoke and Paul said it was okay because I had done such a big task and needed to blow off nerves. 
Paul then worked with me on the ground while Smoke supervised.  I was a rock star.  Another was given homework to do, that is funny-a principal with homework.  I even wore a bit!

I took the bit willingly and didn't even try to nip while it was being put in.  Paul told Another to have me wear the bit loosely in my mouth for a few times.  That way I can work my tongue over the top of it and get it back under while I get used to wearing it.  I guess I am on my way to being a saddle horse now.
While I was standing by Smoke he told me that he used to act just like me when Paul first got him, in fact he had some extra tricks that I don't know.  He explained that he was much happier living peacefully with his humans, it is less work.  I thought about going home with him.
I even went partially into the trailer right next to him.  I did that several times, Paul never asked me to come all the way in so I didn't.  I am also not sure that Another is ready for me to leave and hang out with my new friend.
Smoke says he will come back and play some more.  Paul says I can come for a visit at Dos Arroyos Ranch.  Another is thinking about letting me have a slumber party at Smoke's house.
It was a good time-I got "Smoked" and Smoke got "mirrored" a bit.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Smoke is going to meet mirrors

This is Smoke wearing Another's saddle, standing beside a regular sized horse trailer.  He is huge according to Another and does not put up with shenanigans.  His hooves are the size of dinner plates and he can aim with deadly accuracy.
Humans use the term "smoke and mirrors" to talk about a technique used to confuse others.  Well he may be smoke, but I am going to be mirrors.  I don't care how big he is...I will show him that I am always the boss. Another tells me that I have to learn that humans are the boss and that sometimes other horses are the boss.  I let Another tell me what to do most of the time.  I do that because she listens to me, makes things clear, and is fair.  How do I know that Smoke and Paul will be the same?  Another tells me they will be, but I have learned not to count on what people say.
The showdown is at 6:00 today.  Another is going to be there for moral support and to help me understand what is expected.  She is hoping that I will show Paul the horse that she knows I am, not the one I pretend to be.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, July 1, 2011

Names matter

Another believes that you should be very wise in naming your horse, or child for that matter.  She thinks you should not ask for trouble when giving a horse its name.  Names like Buck, Bam, Trigger, Dusty, Lightening, Thunder, and Remington are some that should be avoided.  Her horse trainer is also a strong believer in this, so much so that Another had to change her horse's name before he would work with it.  The horse was named Panicanik after her grandfather's ranch.  Another shortened it to Panic...not a good idea.  The horse lived up to that name and then some.  When her name was change to Niki things went much better for her.
My given name was Zeus, king of the gods.  Here is a little information on the mighty king.
Zeus, Greek God of the Sky:
As ruler of the sky, the Greek god Zeus was responsible for bringing (or not, if he so chose) rain, drought, and thunderstorms. No one dared challenge the authority of the mighty Zeus since he was prone to release his fearsome thunderbolts to express his displeasure . . . an awesome way to keep the peace and maintain order, but it worked for several centuries!

Well some of that sounds familiar.  My name was changed to Quincy after I came to live with the people who run HRHR.  That name means fifth born.  Now whether that is true of me or not I do not know.  What I do know is that I want to be first, the boss, and listened to at all times.  Another says that I am getting ready for a new name, one that tells who I really am.  She has a name that keeps coming to mind "Dichali" which means speaks a lot.  I think it might fit me well after all I have a lot to say.  I am thinking that I might give another a new name too.  Hoka Hey-pay attention-might be good, then I know she will always attend to me which is as it should be!
I hope Smoke shows up tomorrow with his game on...I am ready for him.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I had to wear a saddle last night!  I was not happy about it at all, Another was not sympathetic in the least.  So I tried to nip while getting saddled, that got me a big scare when she roared at me like a bear and made me move.  I stood pretty well after that to get cinched.  Another asked the SCC  to hold my halter so I couldn't try to nip or move.  If I moved a step he put some pressure on the halter knot on the side I moved and scooted me right back.  I ended up getting cinched up and wearing an English saddle.  Another told me not to complain because it wasn't her big western saddle.
I did complain when she lunged me, I shook my head and gave her the stinky face...she didn't care.  I threw a fit, she just smiled and told me to grow up that I am not a baby.
I noticed she had the short rope, I like it when humans have the short rope because the "Lunge" never fails.  So I was going to Lunge and show Another who really was boss!  I swear she is a witch, before each time I was getting ready to take off she pulled my head around.  Now how am I supposed to brace and run if my head is turned into the center of the circle?  Well something else to ponder at the pondering pole...
Another scored another 40 million points yesterday.  I am falling way behind.  Of course maybe it isn't so bad loosing because at the end of this session I was paid off by this...super duper SCC scritches!
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Another tells me that I need to mellow a bit before Saturday.  On Saturday Smoke is coming along with a person named Paul.  I am not sure what the big deal about Smoke is all about.  I have seen smoke before, in fact a whole list of different types: fire, cigarette, contrails in the sky, steam, and the invisible smoke that emanates from humans when I upset them.  So what if he is a big horse, so am I...maybe I will show him just how big I am.
Another tells me that this smoke is special and will help me learn to be a better horse around humans.  Okay, another thing to be sceptical about.
Tonight I got in a bit of a pickle for crowding Another's space.  She only wants me in her bubble, which is three feet, if she invites me.  If I go in and am not invited she makes me back up and do so in a hurry.  I also thinks she reads my mind.  Several times she has told me "Q you are having evil thoughts, think something else right now." and she makes me move.  Boy I am not getting any points in the "make them move their feet" game.  I think I am about 50 million points behind.  Maybe the next time I am at the pondering post I will ponder how to get some points.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Quincy's request....

I would like to ask the humans who read this blog to take a look at Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue's  webpage please.  There are some wonderful horses there waiting for their forever homes.  Please tell others you know about these horses, they deserve loving homes.
While I am only being fostered here by Another, she told me I can stay as long as I want and I get to pick my next person...what is she going to do if I pick her?  You see it is like I do have a home, my human just doesn't know it yet.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pondering pole...

 Here I am at the pondering pole.  I was not very happy to be there.  Another tells me that it is important that I learn to relax and stand patiently.  She also says I need to not fight pressure on my halter.  I am good about being tied, but not good about standing quietly.  So I danced, pawed, and tried to untie myself.

 I even tried to push the pondering post over.  That post was not moving at all.  I was stymied at every turn.

I even gave Another the "I can not believe you are going to treat me like this face", it didn't work.  Another did her chores and kept an eye on me.  I kept an eye on her and every time she looked my way I pouted.  I did not like this at all!  Finally I just stood there  I knew that I was not going to get loose and Another was sticking by her guns.  As soon as I was still for a bit Another came and turned me loose.
This is the lip that I gave to Another when she was walking me back to get my treats.  I hope it made her feel really bad.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Friday, June 24, 2011


Another does a lot of pondering.  Often she does it while sitting in a pasture or riding one of the horses.  She says that it is important to take time to breath and think.  Another says that it is also time for me to start learning to ponder. 
What do I need to ponder about?  Another says I need to ponder about slowing down, being with my human (but then again who is my human?), most of all I need to ponder about giving to pressure.  So I am going to the pondering post to learn that I can do all of those things.  While I am there Another reads a book and hums.  All of this is to get me ready to pony off another horse.  Seems that I will be having a visitor soon.  Smoke will be coming to help me learn to pony.  Smoke is a big draft horse and I won't be able to pull him around.  Once I get the hang of it then Another will use one of her smaller horses to pony me with.  Seems that it is important that I learn to move from pasture to pasture without being a squirrel. 
I wonder how long I will have to ponder?  Hey, that was pondering wasn't it?  See I am already practicing.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Where has she been?

I haven't seen Another since Thursday night.  While my treat buckets arrived every day like she promised, they were not brought by her.  She finally came back tonight and personally brought me my treats.  I let her know that I was very unhappy about her being gone so long.  I walked to my treat bowl nicely and waited for her to dump them in.  I then pawed my bowl, gave my "I am so not pleased" tail swish, and wouldn't smooch her. 
Another explained why she was gone.  It seemed like she had a good reason, but how can I trust her not to leave forever?  How do I know that I won't be forgotten?  Another said she would come spend the day with me tomorrow.  She says that we will come to an understanding about how things will be between us.
This photo is of my you can see the hair is growing in, just like Another said it would.  It seems that if she tells me something that is the way it is.  While I am still sceptical of things I am beginning to trust her more and more.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not the way the day was planned

The plan was that I would get my teeth done and then follow that up with a nice pedicure.  Good things that plans are changeable.
I met the equine dentist, he was a very nice man.  However I just was not ready to get my teeth done.  I lost my brain heading down the alley.  Sedation did not even make a difference.  I did get further down the alley and did it in finer form than I ever have to date.  While Another was disappointed she did say it was another learning opportunity for both of us.  She also gathered some more information about some of what is going on with me.
There were two farriers out today.  The lady did my feet and the gentleman held me and rubbed my face.  I was told I have very nice feet and that they have been well taken care of.  Another was very pleased at how I responded to them.  She said that the way I acted she would have thought that I had been around them a lot.
All three of my new human friends said I am a good boy, not mean at all.  They all also agree with Another that I have been taught to have some very bad behavior. 
There is a plan in the works to help me learn not to challenge the lead line....I worry when Another plans, it usually means more work for me.
All-in-all Another told me it was a productive day.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Say ahhhhh

Good morning!
Today I have an appointment with the equine dentist.  He is going to make my smile lovely.  Another says he is a really nice man, I will reserve judgement on that.  She says he will give me a shot that will make me feel woozy, calm, and happy while he works on my teeth.  I don't know how calm I am supposed to be with someones hands in my mouth.
After my teeth are done I get my feet done by Another's favorite farrier.  My toes are getting a bit long and a nice trim will make it easier to teleport...errr I mean walk nicely when I am working with Another.
After my foofing I am going to be put in a pasture with Sir Darby.  We both have to watch our weight and we have a bit of history that is similar.
Another says this is a big test for me...she is asking me to walk all over the ranch.  She also told me she believes I can do it, I just have to decide I will.  Another told me about the horse she sees in me, she says that it is up to me to be that horse because I will be happier.  She says it is who I really am but I buried him deep inside long ago and that when I let the real Q-tip shine through I am awesome.  I know she is right.  When I am my real self I am something and soooo happy.  She also told me that once I am my real self I get to pick a new name.  I wonder what I should be called then?
Well off to get mentally ready for this test.  No squirrel routine or teleporting for me today.  I don't want to let Another down.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Until breakfast

"Doesn't matter to me how long he needs, I'll be here until breakfast if that's what it takes." ~Buck Brannaman

Another practices this statement much to my irritation.  She never starts anything with me if she doesn't have the time it takes to finish it. 
Working on my treat manners has taken up to an hour on occasion.  Once I learned that she would wait my tantrum out I stopped.  I thought I would give the tantrum another try yesterday, I haven't had a treat tantrum for two weeks, I thought I might be able to get it sooner with a good fit.  No such luck...she made me walk farther and stand nicely before I could have my treat.  Then when I made a snotty face and pinny ears after she gave it to me she took it away and made me walk some more.  She insists I remember my proper treat manners.  I thought that maybe I could give her my irresistible look, no dice.  Another told me "Q the irresistible force has met the immovable object, so just use your manners."  I decided that my treats were worth having manners for and did as asked.  In fact tonight I was a perfect gentle man and got my treats much faster.
She is setting aside two days to work on my Arab teleporting trick next week.  She said that she has all week 24/7 if needed.  I wonder if she means it...would she really stay at it 24/7 if she had too?  I did hear from the horses that she has spent the night out at the ranch in the winter with a sick horse, so maybe she really would.  Another told me that for me to get a forever home I have to learn to lead nicely and not do my "squirrel" routine.  For some reason it seems that it is important to humans that I pay attention to them when I am on the lead.  I try, but things are just so interesting out there and humans can be boring.  Another has taken to making odd noises, sudden movements, and waving stuff at me to make me pay attention to her at all times.  I wish Red could see her when she flaps and makes chicken seems people in Washington are weird.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stinky Face....

Today Another planned on putting me in a pasture with a friend.  I am not sure why I needed to move since they put a horse next door to me.  Another said I would like having a friend.  I was busy trying to impress the horse next door so I wasn't listening to anything she said.
Another took me out to the alley so we could make our way to the new pasture.  I walked good for a bit and then I lost my mind.  Deep grass, horses to sniff, deep grass, a wheel barrow, and deep grass.  Yep I pulled a few shenanigans the Another made her "stinky face" at me.  I managed to escape her, she was using the short line-I never can escape on the long line.  I threw a bit of a tantrum, okay a big spoiled brat tantrum, about having to go back to the old pasture.  Another made me do some tasks when I got back to the pasture.  She wanted me to pay attention to her and forget about the grass and other horses.  She says we have work to do with me paying attention to her at all times.  Another says that loosing my mind is not a good thing.
Another also felt that maybe I was being asked to deal with too much.  Horses being moved, our first walk about outside the pasture, and the tempting grass.  Then she remember what Temple Grandin said at a conference, "Bad behavior is bad behavior and there are no excuses."
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do I look like a doll?

Do I look like a dress-up doll?  Why didn't anyone tell me before I was sent here that Another makes her horses play dress-up?  She makes them wear hats, silly ears, butterfly wings, and all other types of stuff.  She started in on me with a ribbon, she is threatening butterfly wings next.  What is a horse to do?  I guess it is okay, after all I get scritches and a treat tub every day.
Two more days in my singleton pasture and my QT is up.  I will then be joining Salty the Wonder Horse and Coelho.  I am looking forward to friends.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tonight my treats were late.... Another was at meetings and couldn't bring them out to me.  Her husband and Mushboy were in charge of my treats.  Mushboy was in drivers ed until 6:00, so that was why my treats were late. But just like Another promised there will always be a treat bowl.
Her husband, the horses call him the SCC (support crew chief) remembered to put my treats in the black tub for me.  He also gave me scritches.  He complemented me on my manners.  I did not mug him at the gate, walked with him to my tub, when I got excited I backed out of his space when he signaled me to, and best of all I waited patiently while he dumped my treats into my black tub.  Another was very pleased with his report on my behavior.
I am turning into a true gentleman.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Saddle pad and surcingle

I did a bit of showing off the other day.  I was unfazed by the saddle pad and surcingle that Another put on me. She thought that I may not appreciate having something snugged up on my belly.  I am trying to do everything she asks with a good demeanor so she should have known I would be good. 
The only possibly naughty thing I did when she worked with me was try to make a break for the belly deep grass in the alleyway.  Another said that was her fault because she left the hot wire down and she should have known better. She says I don't miss a thing, that I am so smart she is going to have to really keep an eye on the little things that might distract me or lead me astray.
I am going to move into a pasture with friends on Saturday.  Another is going to spend the day at the ranch making sure it all goes smoothly.  She also says that she is going to put a saddle on me next week.
She said that I get all A's on my report card, whatever that is.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Shadow Dancing

Another came out with her husband this afternoon.  I mooched scritches from her husband, he is a good scritcher.  Another also gave me a different tub to eat treats out of.  I kept dumping my bucket, I don't like sticking my head in it to eat.  It took a few times to get my point across to Another but she finally understood what what I was asking.
This afternoon she put a saddle pad and surcingle on me.  It was absolutely a non-event.  I lunged with them on and was very good doing so.  Another and I then played what she calls "Shadow Dancing".  I did the best ever at it today.
My rear is getting better, Another says I should start growing hair soon.  Next weekend I may get to go to the arena for a play day.
"It's the little things that make a big difference"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Q & A so far

I continue to be so pleased by Quincy.  He is so smart and loving.  Quincy has been working hard on walking quietly beside me when I take his treats out to the pasture.  He had been backing up in front of me, dancing around, and trying to hurry me.  Now he will walk beside me, stop when I stop, and waits patiently for me to set his bucket down.
Quincy wants attention all of the time.  He craves it to the point that he will often crowd a person to get it.  He is learning that crowding will not get him the scritches that he wants.  When he stands at a respectful space he will get his scritches and loves. 
I have started putting blue goo on his rear.  Horseman's Dream Veterinary Cream is really good at helping keep his bare skin from sunburning or cracking.  I do not use a halter on Quincy when I doctor him, apply fly spray, or clean his feet.  He does have a pattern that he wants his feet done in.  Front left, right hind, right front, and left hind is the preferred order.  Try and clean his feet in a different order and it bothers him, small change for me to make to have him stand nicely.
The detox he has been on has helped greatly with the flakiness of his coat.  He has one more week of that to go.  His demeanour is calm and he responds well to new people.  He ignores the ranch dog, except for the time that he thought the dog might be hurting my son-then he just came over to me and asked for help.  His weight is holding well, he was 1,053 this evening.
Tomorrow we are going on a walkabout and possibly put on a saddle blanket and cinch him up with a surcingle
"It's the little things that make a big difference"